Wholeness Restored

Annaliese Allen

Annaliese Allen, Wholeness Restored, 2022, Acrylic and gold leaf on wood panel, 18 x 24 inches.

Annaliese Allen’s painting abounds with abstract movement interwoven with delicate gold outlines. It is a personal story that speaks to the human experience at large, one of God's goodness, grace, and abounding love in the face of brokenness. Meeting our eternal God within our temporal world can lead to not only eternal healing but temporal restoration as well.

Wholeness Restored references an ancient Japanese art form, kintsugi, where broken vessels are mended with lacquer, then dusted with powdered gold. Once mended, the vessel stands with its cracks adorned with gold, more beautiful than before. The strong symbolism of kintsugi is a powerful message to humanity: regardless of one's imperfection, sin, and brokenness, there is hope for restoration, redemption, and wholeness through Christ. Wholeness Restored is a piece that speaks to God's great grace and abounding love; despite the darkest points of our lives we are adorned with gold and joined, once again, in relationship with the Trinity.

Additional Information & Resources

  • Purchase Wholeness Restored | $750

  • Follow Annaliese @annaliese.allen on Instagram or visit Annaliese’s website.

Annaliese Allen

Annaliese Allen appreciates the fresh perspective that her college art studies have given her in seeing the nuances of detail and color within creation. She finds great fascination in painting abstract art, sculpting life-like flowers, and experimenting with gold leaf. When she is not creating and encouraging others to create, she can be found reading the classics, trail running, or exploring her beautiful home state of Colorado.

Christa Issler