C.S. Lewis Scholar Andrew Lazo to Speak at Imagination Redeemed 2020

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The Anselm Society is pleased to announce that Andrew Lazo has joined the cast assembling to speak at Imagination Redeemed 2020 on April 24-25.

Lazo is a internationally-known speaker and writer specializing on C.S. Lewis and the Inklings. In addition to numerous articles and essays, Andrew has published Mere Christians: Inspiring Encounters with C.S. Lewis. And for more than a decade, Andrew has been working on a long-awaited study of Till We Have Faces, making groundbreaking discoveries all along the way. In the summer of 2017, Andrew served as a plenary speaker at the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s Summer Institute in Oxford and Cambridge; and in 2018, he enchanted a sellout crowd with his talk on Till We Have Faces at an Anselm Society lecture at Glen Eyrie.

About Imagination Redeemed

We love the great stories from our books and movies. Why can’t we encounter God with the same air of wonder?

Imagination Redeemed is a gathering of people who long for God’s mysteries to be illuminated more clearly on the stage of our world; to find His handiwork everywhere; and to see His people filled will the kind of stories, songs, and ideas that awaken them to their parts in the Great Drama.

In the fourth year of the flagship event of the Anselm Society, the two-day conference will delve into the most beloved works of literature, music, film, and other art forms—from Narnia to Asgard, from the Beatles to Beethoven—and equip us with the lost tools to bring their magic into our daily faith.

Learn more.

About the Anselm Society

I thought I was the only one who felt this way about books…music…art…that they could teach us something profound about the Maker who gave us this deep longing for beauty in the first place.

No, you’re not the only one.

And in past eras, you likely would have known this because the Christian community--the church--was where all the best art a culture had on offer could be found.

Sadly, modern American Christianity isn’t where most people with thirsty imaginations typically turn.

The Anselm Society exists to change that. Our dream is the reunification of the church and the arts.

A renaissance of the Christian imagination.. Learn more.

More about Andrew Lazo

Andrew Lazo is a internationally-known speaker and writer specializing on C.S. Lewis and the Inklings. Andrew earned his Masters in Modern British Literature from Rice University where he was a Jacob K. Javits fellow in the Humanities. He is a frequent speaker around the U.S. and U.K. and has written several articles on C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. In 2009, Andrew published Mere Christians: Inspiring Encounters with C.S. Lewis. In 2014 he also was honored to transcribe, edit, and publish a previously unknown book of C.S. Lewis,’ “Early Prose Joy,” which was Lewis’s very first spiritual autobiography.

For more than a decade, Andrew has been working on a long-awaited study of Till We Have Faces, making groundbreaking discoveries all along the way. The results of his ongoing research have led him to give talks to the Mythopoeic Society in 2016 as Scholar Guest of Honor; in the summer of 2017, Andrew served as a plenary speaker at the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s Summer Institute in Oxford and Cambridge.

He currently attends Virginia Theological Seminary preparing for ministry in the Episcopal Church and lives in Alexandria, VA with his wife, author Christin Ditchfield.