Walking Examen

Brooke Knipp


Brooke Knipp, Walking Examen, 2020, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 14 x 18 inches.


Brooke Knipp’s layered image with trees, flowers, leaves, and patterns gently moves the eye around the page giving the viewer renewed appreciation for the details and contours of the shady, cooling world of the verdant forest. Knipp writes, “As we walk through life, exploring and experiencing, we invite God to weave together the layers of time, with all of their joys and sorrows, into meaningful coherence. Walking together, what might take shape? Over time, what will grow?”

Knipp’s process begins with free, intuitive painting with an aim to cover the canvas with color. As the intuitive process progresses, ideas form and images start to emerge and find their places. Much gets covered or wiped away, but each step, ugly or not, leads to the next.

Additional Information & Resources

Brooke Knipp

Brooke Knipp received her BA in Art and an art education certification from the University of Iowa in 2001. She has taught art in schools and out of her home studio for over 20 years. Her favorite artistic pursuit is commemorating the stories and histories of families, couples, and life phases through visual art.

Christa Issler